Todd Squires, PI

Professor, Chemical Engineering
Ph.D., Physics, Harvard (2002)
B.S., Physics, University of California Los Angeles (1995)
B.A., Russian Literature, University of California Los Angeles (1995)
Email ( tsquires
Office: 3347 Engineering II

My teaching and research interests center on the dynamics and processes of soft materials and complex fluids. Broadly, I am interested in how to understand, troubleshoot, and design multifunctional, multicomponent complex fluids — as performed by living organisms as well as a wide range of industries (consumer products, cosmetics and foods; pharmaceuticals; energy (oil, gas, mineral and electrochemical); materials, coatings and sprays, and the precursors used to process and manufacture almost everything…) Although toothpaste, drilling muds, and oven cleaners might seem to have little in common, they all employ analogous ‘building blocks’ to achieve similar mechanical and flow properties, for related reasons.

Gaurav Agarwal

Ph.D. Candidate
B.Tech. Chemical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur (2020)
M.Tech. Chemical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur (2020)
Email ( gauravagarwal

I’m Gaurav Agarwal, a fourth-year graduate student in the Squires group.  I graduated with B.Tech and M.Tech degrees from IIT Kharagpur, where I worked in the area of microfluidics and interfacial phenomena. Continuing to pursue my interest in soft matter at UCSB, I work on understanding the morphology of mixed monolayers at liquid interfaces. Outside of the lab, you can find me mainly at the rec center— swimming, playing badminton, or working out.


picture of Dylan

Dylan R. Pollard

Ph.D. Student
B.Sc. Physics, Auburn University (2023)
B.Ch.E. Chemical Engineering, Auburn University (2023)
Email ( pollard

I’m Dylan Pollard, a second-year graduate student in the Squires group. I received degrees in physics and chemical engineering from Auburn University, where I performed computational chemistry research on heterogeneous and enzyme catalysis. At UCSB, I decided to swap over to transport phenomena, where I am currently studying the mechanics of polymer gel membranes under unique conditions to increase separation capability. Outside of the lab, you can find me either at the rec center, on a road trip somewhere, or on Fortnite.


In the Squires Group, we do more than microfluidic experiments or solve PDEs.... (More photos to come)

current group photo


group photo november 2024



Many of our lab members go on to academia or industry. Some industries/research centers are PepsiCoAramco, Dow, Intel, CNRS Toulouse, and LLNL. Below are the current academic institutions for some of our recent graduate students and postdocs.



Xiaoyu Tang

Huanshu Tan

Alexandra Bayles

Harishankar Manikantan

Gwynn Elfring

Aditya Khair

KyuHan Kim

SiYoung Choi

Robert Messinger

Former Graduate Students

Varun Hegde 2018–2023 LinkedIn

Parth Shah 2018–2023 LinkedIn

Julia Fisher 2015–2023 LinkedIn

Anirudha Banerjee 2014–2019 LinkedIn

Chih-Cheng (Peter) Chang 2013–2019 LinkedIn

Alexandra Bayles 2013–2018 LinkedIn

Arash Nowbahar 2012–2018 LinkedIn

Niels Zussblatt 2012–2017 LinkedIn

Douglas Vogus 2012–2017 LinkedIn

Rodrigo Nery-Azevedo 2009–2017 LinkedIn

Mohammad Mirzadeh 2008–2014 LinkedIn

Brian Giera 2008–2014 LinkedIn

Joel Paustian 2008–2014 LinkedIn

Zachary Zell 2007–2013 LinkedIn

Ryan DePuit 2005–2011 LinkedIn

SiYoung Choi 2005–2011 LinkedIn

Robert Messinger 2006–2012

Andrew Pascall 2005–2010 LinkedIn

Former Postdoctoral Scholars

Chang-Ho Han 2021–2023 LinkedIn

Joseph Barakat 2018–2022 LinkedIn

Endre Joachim Mossige 2020–2021 LinkedIn

Xiaoyu Tang 2018–2020 LinkedIn

Huanshu Tan 2018–2020 LinkedIn

Harishankar Manikantan 2016–2019 LinkedIn

Ian Williams 2015–2018 LinkedIn

Nan Shi 2014–2018 LinkedIn

Vincent Mansard 2012–2016

Gwynn Elfring 2012–2013 LinkedIn

KyuHan Kim 2007–2013

Aditya Khair 2007–2010